Foundation Repair and Foundation Waterproofing.
You have a leaky foundation, we are your choice for professional foundation repair and foundation waterproofing.
Known Block Foundation Issues
The problem with concrete block walls is that the mortar joints between the blocks typically develop hairline cracks over time.
Hairline cracking is usually the result of thermal cycling of both the concrete blocks and the mortar that binds them.
As a result, shrinking and expanding soils exert and withdraw pressure from foundation walls, causing fatigue in the mortar joints over time.
Underground concrete block walls typically crack when there is settlement of the footing supporting the foundation walls (often due to erosion) and/or when there is excessive soil pressure against the foundation.
Foundation repair, foundation waterproofing will fix the issues.
Concrete blocks are not solid concrete; in fact, they are largely hollow this can be seen in the images below.
Trapped water typically saturates the concrete blocks, causing them to weep or leak onto the basement floor.
If the cracks in the mortar joints are sufficiently large and there is enough hydrostatic pressure, water will leak into a basement from the mortar joints between the concrete blocks.

Poured Foundation Leaks
Additional Information
Poured foundations have become the preferred method, although a poured foundation is great in strength these foundations are not without problems.
Cracks in poured foundations are not unexpected, this can be caused by settling of footings as well as compaction issues.
Water will find it’s way in through cobbling where the wall meets the footing.
Foundation repair, foundation waterproofing is the only way to stop the issue.

Additional Information
Cracks in any foundations can be caused by settlement of footings and compaction issues.

For Foundation Repairs, please CONTACT US